So we make it our responsibility to guide athletes down the right nutritional path to prepare them for optimal success. When looking at nutrition as fuel it is pretty simple, its proteins, carbs and fats. Within the avalanche of nutritional information there is a lot of debate as to what is best and the proper percentage of each and the best sources of each macronutrient. We believe the key is to replace that discussion by focusing on how we Fuel, Build, Protect, Prevent and Hydrate. This concept is borrowed/stolen from EXOS, one of the leading sports performance companies in the world.
FUEL = minimally processed, high-fiber carbohydrates that provide sustainable energy
BUILD = lean proteins that provide the body the building blocks for repair and recovery
PROTECT = healthy fats that decrease inflammation and nourish the brain
PREVENT = colorful fruits and vegetables that provide the fiber, vitamins, minerals,and antioxidants needed for repair and immune function.
HYDRATE = 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day
So we utilize these 5 points to teach athletes the proper STRATEGY to make nutritional choices when we are asked the "What Should I Eat" question. That way the athletes take ownership of their nutrition and they also learn to pick foods that they LIKE to eat. Otherwise it is like playing darts in a blacked out room, I don't know what you like and dislike therefore if I recommend something you won't eat the chance of compliance is almost zero.
So let's take this strategy and apply it to an important window of time that we commonly get questions about, pre/post workout/practice/game nutrition. This is a really important time because if we are looking at nutrition as fuel, we want to make sure there is plenty of gas in the tank before activity and that we adequately replenish the tank afterward.
Before Workout/Practice/Game
Ideally 60-90mins before
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (Ezekiel Bread, natural PB)
-Fuel, Build, Protect
Hard Boiled Egg (1)
Almonds (12)
Apple (1)
Water (20-40oz)
After Workout/Practice/Game
Ideally 10 mins after. Not longer than 30 mins.
Post workout Smoothie (whey protein, 1% milk, natural peanut butter, frozen Banana blended until smooth)
-Fuel, Build, Protect, Prevent, Hydrate
The key to the post shake is the right ratio of protein to carbs based upon body weight. See the chart below.